Study of pH andfluoride levels in salivary and dental plaque in children with temporal, mixed and permanent teeth


  • Joison A
  • Gargantini P


Fluoride-dental plaque-buffer capacity-enamel. pH


INTRODUCTION: Caries oral disease occurring further destruction cause to dental tissues, by combination of several factors as modification of salivary pH and fluoride levels in salivary and dental plaque. In children pH and fluorideplays an important role in the mineralization of dental enamel. The concentration of fluoride in the enamel and dentin pulp area is relatively high. Fluoride plays a very important role, by tilting the process towards development of a dental structure more resistant to attack by acids and remineralization. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this research are to study the values of pH and fluoride in salivaryrespect to different dentition.METHODS AND POPULATION:28 patients of both sexes and ages 3 to 12 years who were attended in the dental clinic of Córdoba Catholic University. Design: Randomized, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Variables analyzed were samples of saliva and dental plaque pH and fluoride. The dentition was classified as temporary, permanent and mixed.RESULTS:The study showed high amount of fluoride in dental plaque good buffer capacity, with high levels of bicarbonate was observed. Positive correlation was founded between the levels of fluoride in dental plaque and salivary pH was found (r: 0.40, p < 0.05). The analysis of variance (ANOVA II) showed significant differences in the fluoride levelsin saliva respect to dental plaque in male 0.013 ± 0.002 vs 0.047 ± 0.016; p < 0.05; levels of fluoride in dental plaque in females regard males 0.017 ± 0.003 vs 0.047 ± 0.016p < 0.05.CONCLUSION:The analysis of samples of saliva and dental plaque of the patients studied, showed fluoride levels increased associated to dentition.



How to Cite

A, J., & P, G. (2019). Study of pH andfluoride levels in salivary and dental plaque in children with temporal, mixed and permanent teeth. Methodo Investigación Aplicada a Las Ciencias Biológicas, 4(3). Retrieved from


