Learn anatomy through the University metaverse


  • Schezzler R L
  • Castro Videla M
  • Castro G E
  • Varela M H
  • Calderoni De Martino I




education, virtual reality, anatomy, metaverse, educational technology


In the framework of the First University Dental Conferences organized by the Academic Linkage Unit of
Dentistry of the Council of Rectors of Private Universities of Argentina (CRUP), the workshop "Learning
Anatomy Through the Metaverse" was presented by FASTA University. During the event, students, faculty
members, and authorities from Dentistry programs participated in an immersive experience in the metaverse
using virtual reality glasses. In the three-dimensional environment, attendees explored a digital recreation
of the University’s anatomy lab, interacting with each other and with anatomical models through avatars.
The main objectives of the workshop were to familiarize participants with virtual reality tools, promote
interaction in the metaverse, and offer an innovative way to learn anatomy. This approach represents a
significant advancement in integrating immersive technologies into higher education, standing out for its
ability to transform traditional teaching into dynamic experiences.



How to Cite

R L, S., M, C. V., G E, C., M H, V., & I, C. D. M. (2025). Learn anatomy through the University metaverse. Methodo Investigación Aplicada a Las Ciencias Biológicas, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.22529/me.2025.10(1)05