Prevalence of obesity and identification of risk factors in students of a nursing school in the Province of Córdoba
Non-communicable Chronic Diseases, Obesity, Prevalence, Nutrition, Physical ActivityAbstract
Since 1975, obesity has nearly tripled across the globe. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults aged 18 and over were overweight, of which more than 650 million were obese. In percentages, 39% of adults aged 18 and over were overweight, and 13% were obese. Overweight and obesity are considered risk factors for numerous chronic diseases known as chronic non-communicable diseases. The understanding and characterization of this phenomenon could lead to future interventions that determine a favorable evolution, in metabolic terms, of obese subjects. Objectives: In the present work, the prevalence of obesity was estimated, with the objective of identifying sociocultural risk factors in the population of nursing school students, especially considering diet and physical activity. Material and method: The self-administered FINDRISC questionnaire was applied, nutritional status, lifestyles, eating habits, and degree of physical activity were obtained by anthropometric measurement techniques, and self-report. BMI was classified into groups according to excess weight. Statistical analyzes were performed, using percentages and 95% confidence interval (CI), Chi-square tests of independence were performed. The statistical software R-Medic was used. The data were processed and analyzed using Microsoft office Word and Excel. Type of Study - Population: Prospective Observational Study. The study population consisted of 200 students of both sexes, aged between 18 and 40, who were in the 2020 period, in the 1st and 2nd year of nursing school. Results: in (n = 90) nursing students, mean age, 24.4 years, the prevalence of obesity and pre-obesity were 57.78% and 42.22%. Obesity in women was 62.03% and in men 27.27%. The most frequent initial abdominal girth was 88 to 94 cm, in 97.78% of the students. In quarantine, 53.85% of BMI> 30 gained weight. As factors in the causality of weight variation, 55.8% made purchases once a week, 57.7% preferred fresh food, 86.50% changed their 7 hygiene habits and 53% detected episodes of hunger after hours, the emotion most identified in out-of-hours hunger episodes, was Anxiety 48.15%. 46.15% of students believe that this pandemic will make them make new decisions in nutritional care. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle was 42.30%. Analyzing the frequency of consumption by food group, the most consumed were meats and eggs, with a greater tendency to consume red meat, vegetables and fruits did not reach the daily recommendations, a high percentage referred a habitual intake of sweets, pastries and beverages sugary, while whole grains, legumes, and nuts were the least consumed. Ethical Aspects: It was explained to the students that the information was taken for the study, and informed consent was signed. The Regional Hospital obtained the approval of the Directorate of the School of Nursing. The author declares to be aware of the Helsinki Protocol and the data analyzed maintain their confidentiality (law 25326). In reference to the results obtained, it is concluded: that the students of the nursing school presented an inadequate nutritional status. We consider the importance of creating an educational proposal for the improvement of these habits, especially in the choice of healthy foods, and in the promotion and practice of physical activity.
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