Alegre G, Lozano A, Marini V, Lozano NA, Saranz RJ, Sosa Aguirre AG, Danelian S, Oleastro M. Diagnóstico de enfermedad
granulomatosa crónica (EGC): perspectiva desde la resolución de un caso clínico.
el niño superó todas sus infecciones y se comporta
como un sujeto inmunocompetente.
El niño padeció de EGC, una enfermedad grave e
La prueba de DHR permite el diagnóstico probable
de EGC y del estado de portación, así como la
condición de actividad normal. El estudio genético
es confirmatorio.
CGD is a low prevalence pathology included in the
group of congenital phagocyte defects 1. There are
two forms of genetic transmission: the X-linked,
the most frequent and severe, and autosomal
recessive 2. It is due to a mutation of the genes
coding for proteins that constitute the NADP
oxidase complex, which induces inability of
phagocytes to perform respiratory burst 3,4. The
initial diagnosis is based on the clinical and
laboratory phenotype; the dihydrorhodamine
(DHR) test with PMA stimulation by flow
cytometry is a diagnostic method of choice 5. The
demonstration of the genetic mutation by DNA
sequencing is the definitive diagnosis 2. The
haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) is
the curative therapy of this pathology 6.
Case Report
A 4-year-old child, from the first months of life,
had recurrent abscesses in the skin and perianal
region from Staphylococcus aureus. The patient
had a persistent and suppurative ganglionic lesion
due to BCG. The clinical evolution was torpid with
poor response to antibiotic therapy. All normal
values were demonstrated in the laboratory, except
DHR, which showed an alteration in the oxidative
capacity of phagocytes, a probable diagnosis of
EGC. DHR was performed on the mother and
maternal aunt where the condition of the mother's
carrier was evidenced, and the aunt's health. A
deleterious p. Trp443X mutation was documented
in exon 11 of the CYBB gene in the hemicite state
in the child and in the heterozygote status in the
The child, even with antimicrobial prophylaxis
installed, continued with abscesses and required
antimycobacterial treatment for their persistent
bcgitis. On the other hand, developed severe
inflammatory bowel disease that involved the use
of anti-TNF agent (infliximab).
At the age of 3 years and 8 months HSCT was
performed with 10/10 compatible non-related
donor for major histocompatibility complex
antigens after receiving as preparation busulfan
and cyclosporine.
At 6 months of the procedure, 95% of cells
obtained from blood of the donor origin were
present. The DHR test showed the reconstitution
of oxidative capacity of neutrophils. In post
transplantation clinical evolution, the child
overcame all his infections and behaves as an
immunocompetent subject.
The child had CGD, a serious and infrequent
The DHR test allows the probable diagnosis of
CGD and porting status as well as the normal
activity condition. The genetic study is
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is the
curative option for this pathology.
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Revista Methodo: Investigación Aplicada a las Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
Jacinto Ríos 571 B° Gral. Paz. X5004FXS. Córdoba. Argentina. Tel.: (54) 351 4517299 / Correo:
methodo@ucc.edu.ar / Web: methodo.ucc.edu.ar | CASO CLINICO Methodo 2018;3(4): 139-141