the technical processes and establish protocols that try to avoid errors by the expert and at the same time
establish unified criteria. The forensic dentist as part of the forensic team has the obligation to know the
steps to follow when performing an autopsy, when he should intervene and how he should proceed. The
thorough examination and documentation of the evidence is part of the comprehensive forensic study of
the corpse and other related elements.
Objectives: The objective was to present, through a literature review, the main procedures within a forensic
odontology autopsy and to develop possible solutions to the technical limitations that may arise.
Methods and materials: A bibliographic search was carried out by collecting data from the Medline/PubMed
database and specialized books. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were used for the selection of the works.
Results: 47 publications (articles and books) were analyzed, and a table was prepared on the steps involved
in a oral autopsy, the limitations and possible technical solutions.
Conclusion: The oral autopsy is a function of the expert specialized in forensic dentistry and the procedures
must be protocolized to avoid errors in the data collection process.
Keywords: autopsy, oral, postmortem, legal dentistry, forensic dentistry.
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