OBJECTIVES: To develop community health competencies and raise awareness about social responsibility
regarding disability issues among students. To support institutions in implementing strategies for oral health
care and to develop network collaboration for addressing pathology.
METHODOLOGY: Through the participation in the project, fourth-year students are exposed to the social
and epidemiological realities of disability, fostering both personal and collective reflection spaces for the
design, execution, and evaluation of contextualized health promotion projects.
RESULTS: Since 2011, we have collaborated with three institutions, annually reaching a total of 300 people
of different ages with disabilities. Students developed skills to adapt messages and activities to the
characteristics of each group. Communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving competencies were
enhanced. The importance of oral health care within institutions was emphasized, and internal actions
promoting oral health habits were developed. Through network management, care across different health
facilities was coordinated.
CONCLUSION: The project contributes to reducing the gap between dentistry and disability. Students
managed to overcome fears and prejudices, adapting their messages to the capabilities of each group while
developing interventions with responsibility and commitment. In the last change to the undergraduate
curriculum, the clinical subject Dentistry and Disability was incorporated.The institutions achieved
empowerment in oral health actions.
Keywords: Disability, oral health promotion.
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