spaces, dental evaluations, dental treatments, and guidance for caregivers or companions of patients with
OBJECTIVES: The objective was to integrate the clinical care of people with disabilities and/or associated
medical risks into dental education, as well as to emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork
in addressing health in a comprehensive manner.
METHODOLOGY: Initially, agreements were made with two institutions dedicated to disability services.
As part of the Interdisciplinary Preventive Clinical course for fifth-year students in the undergraduate
program, annual student-patient interactions are carried out in each institution, marking the beginning of
the relationship between both of them. In this context, evaluations are conducted using portable devices,
and referrals are made to the UFASTA University Dental Clinic (UDC) where preventive and restorative
treatments are provided.
RESULTS: In 2023, 32 people with disabilities were evaluated, and 4 referrals were made, which were
resolved at the UDC. The program involved 3 dental faculty members, 10 university students, and 12
representatives from the beneficiary institutions.
CONCLUSION: The implementation of this program allowed future graduates to gain experience in
treating patients with disabilities and/or medical risks, emphasizing the value of interdisciplinary and
transdisciplinary teamwork and promoting an inclusive practice that is both technically and humanely
oriented. This initiative contributed to raising awareness in the community and promoting the dignity of
people with disabilities.
Keywords: Oral health - Dental prevention - Inclusive dentistry - Disability - Medical risk
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