La presentación clínica ocurrió en pacientes
hombres, con un rango etario comprendido entre
los 62 y los 81 años.
Los tres pacientes tuvieron como antecedente la
colocación de dispositivos intravasculares - dos
de los cuales tuvieron marcapasos definitivos
(MPD) y uno CVC- cuya colocación fue a través
de la vena subclavia derecha o en la vena yugular
derecha, respectivamente. Dos, de los tres
pacientes, tuvieron como factor de riesgo
asociado neoplasia.
Dos de los pacientes manifestaron edema en
miembro superior derecho, uno de ellos asoció
eritema. En uno de los casos, los síntomas que
motivaron la consulta fueron dolor y parestesias
en la extremidad afectada.
En uno de los pacientes se realizó tratamiento
con HBPM, en otro con antagonistas de la
vitamina K y en otro con nuevos anticoagulantes
En los tres casos se observó una buena respuesta
al tratamiento, con mejoría de la sintomatología.
En ningún paciente se evidenciaron
complicaciones secundarias a la trombosis.
En pacientes con síntomas compatibles y factores
de riesgo, el diagnóstico de TVPMS es probable.
Si bien la TVPMS es poco frecuente en
comparación con la TVPMI, y el porcentaje de
complicaciones es también menor, están
descriptas y aumentan la morbi-mortalidad de los
pacientes que las padecen. En esta serie de casos
enfatizamos el aumento de la prevalencia de esta
patología debido al incremento de la utilización
de dispositivos intravasculares, siendo cada vez
más frecuente su diagnóstico en la práctica
10% of all cases of deep vein thrombosis affect
the upper extremities
Deep vein thrombosis of the upper limbs
(DVTUL) is an increasingly common entity due
to the use of central venous catheters (CVC) and
transvenous devices, such as pacemakers and
cardio-defibrillators. The most frequently
involved veins are the subclavian and the
The majority (70 to 80%) of the thrombotic
events that occur in the veins of the upper
extremities are due to the presence of CVC
. The
incidence associated with the use of transvenous
devices, such as pacemakers or cardio-
defibrillators, is 13.9%
Cancer is a more significant risk factor for
TVPMS than for deep vein thrombosis of the
lower limbs (DVTLL)
Complications of TVPMS include pulmonary
embolism, DVT relapse, post-thrombotic
syndrome, superior vena cava syndrome, and
septic thrombophlebitis
Up to 66% of patients are usually asymptomatic,
especially those associated with CVC. The most
prevalent clinical manifestation is edema, which
is usually accompanied by pain, in 40% of cases,
and only 6% usually show erythema. Other signs
and symptoms observed are neck edema, chest
pain, cough, jaw pain, headache, paresthesias in
the upper limbs and collateral circulation
Ultrasound is the most used non-invasive test in
the diagnosis of venous thrombosis
. Sensitivity
ranges between 82% and 97% and specificity
between 82% and 96%. Venography has the
advantage of distally evaluating the central veins
and should be used when ultrasound has not been
able to establish or exclude the diagnosis
The treatment of DVT is mainly based on
anticoagulation administered at curative doses
The initial treatment may be with low molecular
weight heparins (LMWH), unfractionated
heparin (UFH) or fondparinux. Anticoagulation
should be maintained with Vitamin K
antagonists, LMWH or synthetic thrombin
inhibitors or factor Xa for at least three months.
Systemic or catheter-directed thrombolysis may
be indicated in highly symptomatic patients
Development of cases
We present the clinical data, risk factors and
therapeutic applied in three patients with
The clinical presentation occurred in male
patients, with an age range between 62 and 81
The three patients had antecedent placement of
intravascular devices - two of which had
definitive pacemakers (DPM) and one CVC -
whose placement was through the right
subclavian vein or the right jugular vein,
respectively. Two of the three patients had a
neoplasm associated risk factor.
Two of the patients showed edema in the right
upper limb, one of them associated erythema. In
one of the cases, the symptoms that led to the
consultation were pain and paresthesias in the
affected limb.
One of the patients underwent treatment with
LMWH, in another with vitamin K antagonists
and in another with new oral anticoagulants.